Surfing, Sulfides and Migraines: Life by the Tijuana River in San Diego

IMPERIAL BEACH, Calif.—When the sunrise hit Imperial Beach, it illuminated a line of signs along the shore warning beachgoers to avoid contact with the water, as the faint scent of rotten eggs hung in the morning air.
“Most people just find waves to ride more north of here nowadays,” local surfer Jani Garcia, 39, told The Epoch Times as she out at the warning signs.
“But as you can see, there’s still a few guys out who will take the risk, and in better surf conditions I might do the same,” she said with a smile.
Just a few days later, much of the beach re-opened on Sept. 23 after being closed for over 1,015 days, allowing local surfers to finally return to their “home break” without fear of citations….