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Supreme Court Leans in Favor of Ohio State Employee Claiming Demotion Because She’s Straight

The U.S. Supreme Court seemed sympathetic on Feb. 26 to the arguments of an Ohio woman who alleges the state demoted her because she is heterosexual.
The court heard oral argument in Ames v. Ohio Department of Youth Services.
Petitioner Marlean Ames, a heterosexual woman, has been employed at the Ohio Department of Youth Services since 2004. She started off as an executive secretary and, after repeated promotions, became a program administrator, according to the petition filed in March 2024.
In 2017, she began reporting to a woman who identifies as homosexual. She applied to be promoted to the position of bureau chief but did not receive the promotion. The successful candidate had not sought the position and allegedly “lacked the minimum qualifications” for it. The department “[circumvented] its own internal procedures” to promote the candidate, the petition alleges….