First Towns in US Suspend Water Fluoridation After Judge’s Ruling on Fluoride’s IQ Risk

Two municipalities in New York state moved to suspend water fluoridation in light of a federal judge’s ruling earlier this week ordering the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to address potential risks that fluoride could pose to children’s intellectual development.
An announcement issued by Yorktown Supervisor Ed Lachterman’s office, which referenced U.S. District Judge Edward Chen’s ruling Tuesday, said that the Westchester County city would suspend the practice of adding fluoride, which some health officials say is beneficial in fighting cavities, to the tap water.
“In light of this federal ruling and the long-standing concerns expressed by many Yorktown residents, I have decided to suspend water fluoridation as a precautionary measure,” Lachterman said in the statement, released Thursday. “Our priority is the safety and well-being of our community, and we believe it is prudent to pause fluoridation to further assess its potential impacts.”…