Katerina Christodoulou Is The BBC Weather Presenter


Katerina Christodoulou is a prominent BBC weather presenter who has been delivering forecasts across the North of England and London.

Known for her engaging on-air presence and expert weather analysis, Christodoulou has built a loyal following among viewers across the UK. With a degree in television and broadcasting and over a decade of experience in the industry, she provides accurate and insightful weather updates that help viewers plan their daily activities. Christodoulou’s passion for her craft and commitment to keeping the public informed about changing weather patterns have made her a trusted voice in the field of broadcast meteorology.

Can you share your journey from being a floor manager for ITV News to becoming a BBC weather presenter? What motivated or inspired you to make this transition?

A few months after I graduated from university, I became a floor manager for ITV News’s national and London bulletins. It was such a special and exciting role. I worked on general elections, royal wedding, EU referendum, mayoral debates, etc…As well as doing this, I was also learning how to present the weather firsthand with Martin Stew, who was ITV News’s weather presenter at the time. This meant that before my shift, on days off, I would sit next to Martin and learn the job. He was my favourite weather presenter and became my mentor. I’d send him clips of my forecasts, and he would give me feedback…I would spend hours practicing in the studio on my work breaks and days off. After shadowing and learning the job for a while, ITV then agreed to let me present weather content on their social media pages. After doing this for a few years, I really felt ready to take the next step. I applied for the job at the BBC in Leeds, and then my adventure began in the world of weather.

My inspiration was Martin. Martin helped me so much and believed in me on days I didn’t believe in myself. All you need in life is just that one person to give you a chance and make you see your potential. Martin is fantastic at his job. He was then a weather forecaster, and now he is ITV News’s National Health and Science correspondent. I am so proud to say that he is the one who trained me and the best mentor in the world.

How do you balance your roles as a weather presenter and your previous experience as a floor manager? Are there any skills or experiences from your previous role and your studies that you find particularly useful in your current position?

Going from floor managing to weather presenting was a big transition for me. Being a floor manager really helped me understand everyone’s role in the TV production crew. The floor manager is working so closely with everyone. I was the director’s eyes and ears on the studio floor, also looking after so many high-profile studio guests and keeping everyone happy. I was really good at my job, and I loved it because I naturally am a people person. I love people, and I love taking care of things. There are also little technical things I am able to do in the studio now that I picked up when floor-managing, like moving the cameras into position and helping if there are any issues with my microphone, which is always handy.

How do you stay updated with the latest meteorological data and ensure the accuracy of your weather forecasts? What tools and resources do you rely on?

We have access to weather models and observations, which allow us to see what is going on with the weather in each area. We also have a team of meteorologists in London who we have a conference call every morning to go through all the details of the weather story for the day. We then have an updated meeting with them later in the day to go over any details that have changed.

Television remains a primary source of weather information for many people, even with the rise of digital platforms. In your opinion, what unique advantages does TV weather broadcasting offer compared to other media?

Having a weather forecaster present your weather means you are always going to get the most up-to-date information, with a lot of detail. Through COVID, we were told the weather was one of the most popular parts of the news program. Unless we are talking about really bad weather conditions, the weather can often be the lighter and more uplifting part of the news program, and the weather really plays a vital part in people’s lives. It matters to then get the very latest information throughout the day.

Do you believe that television has changed its role in the past decade?

I do think more people are turning to digital platforms to get their news, sports, and weather. Devices such as phones, iPads, and laptops are making it far easier and quicker for people to access what they want to watch wherever they are. Also, social media platforms are very good at getting information out very quickly. I know many people have notifications on their phones that go off every time a breaking news story is published. This means people can get the information with live updates as they are happening on their phone wherever they are.

You spoke about the importance of having a supportive network of women in your industry. Could you discuss how this network has impacted your career growth and personal development?

I have been surrounded by such incredibly supportive women since I was a floor manager at ITV News. I am so grateful to have had such inspirational women around me throughout my journey. I have always been encouraged and told I can do whatever I put my mind to. When I first started working for ITV News, my mum was recovering from breast cancer. I had gone through the most awful few years where I thought I was going to lose her, so having women around me at work who I could look up to at that time was so important, and I’m so grateful that I still have that today.


Looking ahead, what are your professional and personal future plans and goals?

I am really happy with where I am at the moment. I am very much going with the flow, and making sure I am enjoying every moment.