2 Men Awarded Carnegie Medal for Rescuing Man Attacked by Shark in San Diego County

DEL MAR, Calif.—Two San Diego County residents who helped save a man who was attacked by a shark in the waters off Del Mar will be awarded the Carnegie Medal, which recognizes civilians who perform acts of heroism, it was announced Monday.
Kevin Barrett, 51, of San Diego, and Cameron Whiting, 31, of Encinitas, are credited with guiding a wounded swimmer to shore after the man was bitten by a juvenile great white shark on June 2.
The victim, 46-year-old Caleb Adams, was among more than a dozen people taking part in an open-water swim when he was bitten by the 9-foot-long shark. Adams sustained lacerations to his chest, leg, and hand, but was able to punch the shark and fight it off….