BC Conservatives Propose Tax Credit for Housing Costs on Campaign Trail, NDP Promises Health Care Reforms

The Conservative Party of BC is promising to implement a tax rebate for housing costs while the NDP announced reforms to health care, as the parties continue on the campaign trail ahead of the Oct. 19 election.
Conservative Party leader John Rustad announced the rebate plan in Surrey on Sept. 23, saying it would provide relief to renters and homeowners. If Rustad is elected as premier, he said he would offer a tax rebate of $3,000 per month for housing costs.
“People are being punished by having to pay for sky-high housing costs with their after-tax income,” Rustad said in a release.
The proposed rebate will start with Budget 2026 and exempt $1,500 per month, increasing by $500 each year until it reaches $3,000 a month, the party said, noting that the plan is designed to target the middle class with tax relief. The plan will not exceed $900 million for Budget 2026, the party added. …