Cory Morgan: Justice Reform to Rein In Violent Crime Is Crucially Needed in Canada

The Liberals are managing to find ways to maintain power in the House of Commons, despite being a minority. They may be able to continue that until a scheduled general election in October 2025. If the government doesn’t implement some popular policies in the next 12 months, though, they are facing potential electoral obliteration.
Justice reform is one of the policies that the electorate is eagerly looking for, and voters would take notice if fast action was taken on it.
Violent crime rates have been surging in cities across Canada in the last 10 years, according to a new report released by the Macdonald-Laurier Institute. Reports of sexual assaults and robberies are trending upward. Citizens raising concerns over crime are often dismissed as having succumbed to the perception of rising crime due to sensationalist media coverage or unfounded fears of public disorder. But the statistics are proving that concerns over crime aren’t baseless and people are justified in their concerns….