Energy Companies Urge Supreme Court to Block Stricter Rule on Power Plant Emissions

Energy companies and 23 states urged the Supreme Court on Sept. 18 to block a new federal regulation restricting pollutants emitted by coal-fired power plants.
The request was made days after the federal government asked the nation’s highest court to leave in place the rule imposing new, tougher limits under the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) mercury and air toxics standards (MATS).
The companies originally filed the emergency application in the case known as NACCO Natural Resources Corporation v. EPA with the Supreme Court on Aug. 14.
In addition to Cleveland, Ohio-based NACCO, among the co-applicants are 23 states including Virginia, Utah, Texas, and North Dakota, along with 18 companies and associations, including Associated Electric Cooperative Inc., Luminant Generation Company LLC, and the National Mining Association….