EU and OECD launch research careers observatory

Initiative aims to fill data gaps and aid policymaking around attracting and retaining talent

A long-awaited Research and Innovation Careers Observatory has formally been launched by the European Commission and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, after multiple delays.

The aim of the observatory is to provide reliable data on R&I careers in the EU and OECD countries, to aid policymaking around matters including the attraction and retention of talent.

The observatory was originally due to launch in 2023, having been called for by EU member state governments in 2021, and was then expected in May but was delayed again. At that time, an OECD source told Research Professional News that finding agreement with the Commission was taking longer than expected.

Here at last

Hailing the launch this week, EU R&I commissioner Iliana Ivanova said: “Europe must attract and retain research talent to underpin its prosperity and competitiveness.

“Sound policies aiming to achieve this goal need to be based on reliable data. This is where the Research and Innovation Careers Observatory comes in—it will fill data gaps on research careers in Europe and provide information to policymakers, as well as researchers themselves and their organisations.”

“It is an important step forward in our efforts to strengthen research careers in the European Research Area,” she added, referring to the EU policymaking initiative for raising standards and harmonising research systems.

Help for wider community

The Commission and OECD are hoping that the observatory will also help provide researchers and innovators with a better understanding of the career paths open to them, to in turn boost Europe’s competitiveness.

The Commission said the observatory would use the OECD’s expertise to deliver data-based insights to policymakers, and that it would also benefit the wider R&I community.

The first set of data is expected in the first half of next year and the observatory will be updated annually.

The observatory was launched with a signing ceremony at an event on the European Research Area hosted by the Commission in Brussels.

Speaking at the event, the director of the OECD Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation, Jerry Sheehan, said the observatory was part of “an increased focus on skills in research assessment reform, driving a cultural change”.

Additional reporting by Frances Jones

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