FTC Refunding More Than $1 Million to Misled LASIK Eye Surgery Clients

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is distributing more than $1.1 million in refunds to American citizens duped by false advertisements from LCA-Vision, the country’s biggest provider of LASIK surgery.
The refund is the result of an order issued by the FTC against LCA-Vision in January 2023 which accused the firm of using “deceptive bait-and-switch advertising to trick consumers into believing they could have their vision corrected for less than $300,” according to an Oct. 3 press release. “In reality, only 6.5 percent of consumers lured in for consultations were eligible for the advertised promotional price for both eyes. To be eligible for the promotion, consumers had to already have near-normal vision [good enough to drive without glasses].”…