Seven in 10 Voters Believe California Run by Big Interests

A poll released last month by Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) sheds light on the feelings held by adults and likely voters on a slew of issues, including the state of the nation and California.
Notably, the poll found that the vast majority of Californians believe the state is run by big interest groups pursuing their own agendas.
The poll, called “Californians and Their Government,” which is based on a survey of 1,605 California adult residents—including 1,071 likely voters—also revealed that about half of California adults approve of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s performance at the state’s helm.
Meanwhile, just under 50 percent of Californians disapprove of the state’s legislature. In addition, 6 percent of likely voters think the state government will do what is right “just about always,” and 38 percent think the government will do the right thing “most of the time.”…