25 Percent Increase in Canada Post Stamp Prices Takes Effect Today

The cost to mail letters and parcels in Canada is rising 25 percent today as the Crown corporation looks to offset the costs of its struggling nationwide delivery service.
The price of a single Canadian stamp for a domestic letter rises from $1.15 to $1.44. Strips of five or 10 stamps will not receive a discount, but booklets, coils or panes will. A booklet of 10 stamps will cost $12.40, for a price of $1.24 per stamp. The cost of a roll of 100 stamps is increasing from $99 to $124.
“Today’s rate change represents a one-time increase of roughly 25 percent, which is required to better align stamp prices with the rising cost of providing letter mail service to all Canadians,” the agency said in the release. “Every year, there are fewer letters to deliver to more addresses, which adds significant cost pressures to the Corporation on top of continued inflationary pressures.”…