Federal Report Finds Defunct Green Fund Made ‘Questionable Decisions’

A federal report has found that the now-defunct federal green fund Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) created a web of conflicts of interest with insiders who made “increasingly questionable decisions.”
The Privy Council report, which was first obtained by Blacklock’s Reporter, said the foundation was “an organization where lack of governance and a continuous cycle of executive mismanagement led to serious conflict of interest breaches” as well as the “gross mismanagement” of over $150 million in public funds.
SDTC’s executive performance and bonuses were tied to how much funding was approved as well as how fast that funding was disbursed, the report said. It described this issue as a “key problem” of the foundation that resulted in millions of dollars being spent on initiatives that were “likely non-compliant and also appeared to show major conflicts of interest.”…