Former Top Civil Servant Asks Who Is ‘Looking Out for Canada’s Interests’ Amid Turmoil in Ottawa

A former clerk of the Privy Council and vice-chair of BMO Financial Group has written an op-ed questioning who in Parliament will stick up for Canada’s interests against the incoming U.S. administration, as Ottawa remains in political turmoil.
“The government has squandered our fiscal advantage, hollowed out our military, shattered our immigration system and shown little interest in our anemic productivity while economic, geopolitical and security threats to Canada rise to DEFCON levels,” Kevin Lynch wrote in a column published in The Globe and Mail on Jan. 2.
Lynch said in his piece, “Who is looking out for Canada’s interests?” that the current Liberal government is “barely breathing, let alone governing.” He noted that with the Liberals sliding in the polls and the other parties set to vote non-confidence, the party’s chances of being re-elected are “somewhere between bleak and Armageddon.”…