Recent surveys indicate that patriotism is falling among Canadians. Now, a new poll reveals that the decline is steepest by far among Canadian youth. This is the predictable consequence of public schools teaching that Canadian society is made up of an oppressive majority group and a collection of disparate minority groups, while actively discouraging the formation of a patriotic attachment to country that could bind us together as a national community.
An Angus Reid poll released in December showed that the proportion of Canadians professing a “deep emotional attachment” to their country has plummeted to just 49 percent. Now, a new Ipsos poll indicates that 43 percent of Canadians aged 18-34 would vote for Canada to become part of the United States if Canadians were offered “full US citizenship and a full conversion of the Canadian dollar and all personal financial assets into US dollars.” This is significantly higher than the 33 percent of Canadians aged 35–54, and the 17 percent of Canadians 55 and over, who would make this trade….