ID ); $exclude_types = array( '' ); $exclude_types = apply_filters( 'eat_exclude_types', $exclude_types ); // do nothing if the post has already a featured image set if ( $already_has_thumb ) { return; } // do the job if the post is not from an excluded type if ( ! in_array( $post_type, $exclude_types ) ) { // get first attached image $img = rv_auto_featured_image_catch_that_image( $post ); $attachment_id = attachment_url_to_postid( $img ); if ( $attachment_id ) { // add attachment ID add_post_meta( $post->ID, '_thumbnail_id', $attachment_id, true ); } } } // set featured image before post is displayed (for old posts) add_action( 'the_post', 'rv_auto_featured_image_add_thumbnail' ); // hooks added to set the thumbnail when publishing too add_action( 'new_to_publish', 'rv_auto_featured_image_add_thumbnail' ); add_action( 'draft_to_publish', 'rv_auto_featured_image_add_thumbnail' ); add_action( 'pending_to_publish', 'rv_auto_featured_image_add_thumbnail' ); add_action( 'future_to_publish', 'rv_auto_featured_image_add_thumbnail' ); function rv_auto_featured_image_catch_that_image( $post ) { // Find the images in the post_content. $output = preg_match_all( '//i', $post->post_content, $matches ); $first_img = isset( $matches[1][0] ) ? $matches[1][0]:''; // if no images found, do nothing if ( empty ( $first_img ) ) { return false; } return $first_img; } } Gov. Sanders Unveils Bills Targeting CCP Influence in Arkansas – BCI 24 News Network

Gov. Sanders Unveils Bills Targeting CCP Influence in Arkansas

Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Feb. 27 announced a set of bills aimed at Chinese Communist Party (CCP) influence in the state.
Parts of the package, dubbed the Communist China Defense legislative package, were introduced in January and February.
“Once I sign this legislation into law, Chinese Communist Party-linked companies will be banned from owning property near critical infrastructure, and lobbying on behalf of Communist China, Russia, and other foreign adversaries will no longer be allowed in the state of Arkansas. My administration is putting America and Arkansas first,” Sanders said in a statement.
If the bills become law, state-supported universities, as well as retirement and pension funds, will be banned from investing in Chinese funds; government bodies will be prohibited from using state funds to buy made-in-China promotional products; and the establishment of sister cities with Chinese cities will be prohibited….