My country ‘tis of thee, sweet land of liberty… No, sorry. That’s an American song. Our version’s about socialized medicine or something, isn’t it? Actually no. It’s about the “True North Strong and Free” and, to be inclusive but militantly anti-woke, that bit in the original French: “ton bras sait porter l’épée/ Il sait porter la croix!” But the demand that we show our papers on demand may require some new lyrics.
It seems that in confidential surveys, the Immigration Department is asking whether it’s OK if we become Russia or something. Of course they don’t phrase it like that. Or at all if possible. As Blacklock’s Reporter says, the “Passport Client Experience Survey” asked, “How comfortable would you be sharing a secure digital version of the passport within Canada as an identity document?” But, the story continues, “There was no explanation. The Department of Immigration would not comment.”…