April’s Full ‘Pink’ Moon Will Be a Micromoon—Here Are a Few Fun Facts

What do Easter eggs, pink wildflowers, and weedkiller all have in common?
If you answered “the full moon in April 2025,” you hit the nail on the head.
This year, our lunar satellite will turn full on Saturday, April 12, at 8:22 p.m. EST to become what is traditionally called the “Full Pink Moon.” And it has associations with seasons, gardening, and holidays. It will also be a micromoon, so next month’s full moon has plenty to chat about.
Why the ‘Pink’ Moon?
You might have noticed signs of spring appearing in your area, as surely did the native American tribes who first gave the Pink Moon its name. Full moons all have names derived from our native and colonial forbears. Disappointingly, “pink” doesn’t refer to the moon’s coloration due to some amazing atmospheric distortion that happens only in April. Rather, it denotes the pink wildflowers, called moss pink or pink phlox, which bloom at that time of year, heralding spring….