Ireland news roundup: 10-23 September

This week: veterinary schools, Royal Irish Academy priorities and a €5 million boost for universities

In depth: Almost 30 investigator-led research projects in Ireland are to receive a total of €12.4 million from the Health Research Board

Full story: Projects at Irish institutions will cover topics including obesity, psychosis and exercise rehabilitation


Also this week from Research Professional News

Irish government considers ways to lower cost of education—Paper outlines “levers to reduce the cost of education for students and their families”


Here is the rest of the Irish news this week…

Higher education gets €5m boost

A €5 million funding allocation to higher education has been announced as part of the Strategic Alignment of Teaching and Learning Enhancement initiative. The funding, to be administered by the Higher Education Authority and its National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, will provide higher education institutions with the resources to support a long-term strategic approach, focusing on the key priority areas of sustainable development, digital transformation and the promotion of academic integrity.

Academy publishes five-year strategic plan

The Royal Irish Academy has set out how it will increase its influence as an independent voice and enhance its impact to build a more sustainable and inclusive future. According to the academy’s strategic plan for 2024-28, it is committed to fostering a knowledge-based society by advancing research, shaping policy and encouraging collaboration and public engagement. The strategic plan focuses on the academy’s priorities for the next five years rather than providing a comprehensive account of all future activities.

Locations for two veterinary schools announced      

The government has announced its vision to create two veterinary schools at Atlantic Technological University and South East Technological University. The delivery of the schools is aimed at helping to address the need for an increased supply of veterinary professionals in Ireland and will support the agricultural and agri-food sectors, while providing Irish students with more opportunities to pursue veterinary studies without having to seek their education abroad.

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