EXPLAINER: What Is UN’s ‘Pact for the Future’ Championed by Canadian Gov’t?

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is championing a new United Nations-led blueprint for addressing global challenges called the “Pact for the Future” as world leaders gather at the U.N. for its annual assembly.
In making his points about the importance of the pact, Trudeau said in an address at the United Nations in New York on Sept. 22 that the world is at an “inflection point.” He said the foundations of the international order are being undermined by climate change, rising inequality, record levels of displacement, and “the erosion of women’s rights, LGBT+ rights, and indigenous rights.”
“We can bury our heads in the sand, eschewing multilateralism in favour of short-sighted self-interest, or we can recognize that, collectively, we have a responsibility to set our differences aside to confront the serious global challenges and to deliver on a Pact for the Future that builds a more peaceful world, but also one where everyone, every generation, has a real and fair shot,” he said….