Third-party funding per professor rises by 9% in Germany

University professors attracted an average of €326,400 in third-party funding in 2022

Professors at German universities attracted an average of €326,400 in third-party funding in 2022, a rise of 9 per cent or around €28,000 on the previous year, according to the Federal Statistical Office.

RWTH Aachen University was again top of the list, with third-party income of €1,051,400 per professor. It was followed, as in previous years, by the Technical University of Munich, with €857,300, and the University of Stuttgart with €833,400.

The analysis excludes medical facilities, which often have very high third-party income, to enable more meaningful comparisons between universities with and without such facilities, the statistics office said.

On total third-party funding, the Technical University of Munich took first place with €385 million, followed by RWTH Aachen with €376m and Dresden University of Technology with €277m.

The subject group with the highest third-party income per professor in 2022 was engineering, at €714,400, followed by human medicine and health sciences with €676,700.

Third-party funding income was €163,100 per professor in law, economics and social sciences, and €146,800 in the humanities. It was lowest in the arts and art history, at €88,700, although this was up 15 per cent on the previous year.

Funding was also significantly lower at universities of applied sciences than at universities.

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