Supreme Court Will Hear Prisoner’s Request to Sue Over Solitary Confinement

The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to consider a federal inmate’s request to revive his lawsuit over alleged mistreatment in prison after it was dismissed.
The court granted the petition in Parrish v. United States on Jan. 17 in an unsigned order. No justices dissented. The court did not explain its decision.
Donte Parrish sued the federal government on April 7, 2017, in a federal district court in West Virginia for compensation based on his view that he was wrongfully placed in administrative segregation for three years after being accused of murdering a fellow inmate. Parrish denied involvement.
Parrish was a pro se litigant at trial, meaning he represented himself in court. Prisoners often do not have attorneys representing them in lawsuits. Parrish later obtained an attorney during the appeals process….