Over and over again, Canadians have watched the following spectacle: a self-evidently absurd policy is dreamt up by ideologues, implemented by bureaucrats or legislators with predictably disastrous consequences, and then subsequently repealed.
The public breathes a sigh of relief, only to hear the announcement of a new ridiculous policy the very next day. As Rudyard Kipling wrote, “The Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire, And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire.” This cycle of absurdity will continue until Canadians put their foot down and stop tolerating it.
In January 2023, British Columbia decriminalized the “possession of small amounts of certain illegal drugs, such as opioids and cocaine.” While advocates argue that drug decriminalization reduces stigma for addicts, the negative consequences were soon obvious in communities across the province….