BC Hydro Customers to See Annual 3.75% Rate Increase Over Next 2 Years

BC Hydro customers will face a rate hike this year and in 2026, leading to an increase of $3.75 per month for an average household, the province says.
B.C. Energy Minister Adrian Dix announced March 17 that he had directed the B.C. Utilities Commission to apply a 3.75 percent increase in hydro rates each year for the next two years, for a total increase of 7.5 percent by 2026.
A typical household in the province pays roughly $100 a month for heat and electricity, the province said in a press release. With this year’s rate increase, the average homeowner will pay $103.75 per month. The rate change takes effect April 1 and the second 3.75 percent increase will be implemented next April….