Merman Eric Nova

With his shimmering purple tail, waist-length hair and glittering eye-makeup, a professional merperson has become the latest man to challenge stereotypes and show that not all mermaids have blonde hair and blue eyes. On land, Eric Nova is your average “two-legged” from the US city of Atlanta, Georgia. But when he slips on his full body tail he becomes The Blixunami.

Under which circumstances were you being given the title of merman?

I have given myself that title since I was already mermaid obsessed. However, since I’m non-binary, I go by merman, mermaid, merperson, merm, mermie, mer-they, he, she, it lol! Call me all the pronouns!

What are some of your activities?

If I’m not swimming in my tail, I’m either doing some mermaid diy crafts, drawing concept art/designs, writing music, or dancing all over!

How does the entertainment industry accept you?

The industry loves me so far because I’m something they’ve never seen or had before in front of them! Very rewarding being many people’s first time seeing a merm let alone a black merman!

By putting on your suit does your personality change and you feel like one of those superheroes that could achieve everything or do you simply want to make someone’s wish a reality?

Both of those lol. I definitely feel invincible and have a sense of complete self. Also, I love making someone’s mermie wish a reality!

The phenomenon of mermaiding has come to mainstream attention recently, while it’s a hobby for some and makes a living for others. What is for you?

It’s my lifestyle. I eat, sleep, and breathe mermaiding! From shells in my hair to the scales on my custom jeans. I’m a merm 24/7, 365!

Have you noticed any scolding looks and haters gonna hate for what you do? How do you come across that?

Oh! for sure! That comes with the territory when you’re something the average person never sees on a daily basis! I usually come across it literally every time I step outside because I’m always in something colorful or sparkling. Even to go grocery shopping I turn heads and break necks lol. It’s honestly amusing to me lol.

How do you stay fit and do you follow a special diet?

Just naturally slim. People are surprised by how much I can eat lol.

How much your mermaid tail weighs and how long can you hold your breath for?

My tail is only a few pounds because it’s all fabric with a rubber monofin inside. However, silicone tails can weigh up to 50 lbs. As of right now, I can hold my breath for about 50secs if I do good breath control exercises beforehand.

What are some of your future plans?

Making everyone that enters my life happy, splashing on stages with my music, giving the world a splashy mermie doll line, continuing my clothing line, and giving mermazing Blixunami content on everyone’s phone & tv screen!

Make a wish.

The Blixunami will never pretend, YEAAHHHHH! 

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May 9th 2024, Thursday
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I want to find the weather for in .
